A Wee Non-Scale Victory

As we were cleaning out our closets in preparation for the move, I found several pairs of old jeans. Some didn’t fit or had major flaws (why did I keep them, I ask myself? Probably because I have a hard time throwing stuff away.), but at least one pair worked just fine. I am wearing one of those pairs today—an older pair I bought at Torrid probably 4-5 years and 60lbs ago, at least. I remember when I bought it the rise was too low and I had to “tuck” myself into it. Today I’m wearing it, and it’s practically falling off. I’m typically a “high rise” kind of jean person, since I wear my weight low instead of high, but there are significant gaps in the back of these jeans.

And, not to toot my own horn too much, but Torrid jeans don’t go up as high as the Avenue jeans I used to wear. So what am I saying? I’m saying these jeans are about 2-3 sizes smaller than the ones I was wearing just a couple of months ago. If that’s not a non-scale victory, I don’t know what is.

Another wee little non-scale victory—hip bones and collar bones! Yup, I can feel both prominently now. Even though that asshole of a scale didn’t budge last week, I have a feeling my body is a tiny bit smaller. It feels surreal.

I think I am losing weight differently than I gained it, which is odd to me. That is, I think I’m smaller now at this weight than I was at this weight on the “going up” side. Does that make sense? It’s strange. Maybe it’s muscle after all.

What are your favorite non-scale victories? (And they don’t have to be weight-loss related at all.)

2 responses to “A Wee Non-Scale Victory

  1. This awesome! You must feel great to know that all of your hard work, denial, discipline, and sacrifice are paying off!

    I’ve been able to do more on my own at home and feel stronger at work lately. I can stand for longer periods of time and am finally getting the eating “thing” down. I don’t feel so nervous about how much weight I’m losing (or not losing). Like you, I’m noticing changes in my body and I feel so much better. I look forward to exercising because I have so much energy. If you’d known me just three months ago, you’d think I was a new person. Thanks for your inspiration and for letting me know that I’m not the only one fighting through this experience.

  2. it totally makes sense that you’re smaller going down at this weight than you were going up; you have more muscle going this direction.

    i know i have never been through a journey like the one you are currently on, and i am not at all trying to compare, but my favorite non-scale victory ever was probably getting through a spin class for the first time without backing off the suggested resistance. that was huge for me, and it took several months to get to that point, even though i had been running before on a regular basis.

    i haven’t had any in a while, basting this damn fetus and all, but i really like relishing the small non-scale victories too, like the days when you go two extra minutes on the eliptical without a break or you finally get through your last set on your squats or shoulder raises at a new lifting weight. it can be so tough to get your mind off of the numbers, but forcing myself to cherish those performance-type victories really helps.

    the first time after i have this kiddo that i walk up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing is going to be a great non-scale victory for me too!

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