Personal Trainer Strikes Again

I had another training session last night, and she worked me HARD. I felt it all through the workout, and I was sweaty and out of breath and exhausted. At one point, towards the end, I felt a little lightheaded and dizzy and had to stop and drink some water. I felt really bad about that. Why does my body react like that?

And then I remembered that feeling—it was the same one I had when getting tons of blood drawn right before surgery. That woozy, light-headed, nauseous, almost-fainting feeling that I’m pretty sure is associated with a strong drop in blood sugar. Well, either that, or blood pressure. I couldn’t tell which, and the nurse at the time wasn’t able to explain why I was reacting so poorly to the blood draw (he thought I was just scared of needles, but to be fair, I had never reacted like that to a draw before). I haven’t had deliberate sugar or bready carbs in almost 4 months now (remember I did 2 weeks of pre-op diet prep, plus I was pretty much “on a diet” even before then), and I’m certain my body is still adjusting.

I had eaten an hour before the workout, so I’m not sure exactly what it was. My body wasn’t happy, though, and I felt myself shaking and struggling. I know my strength will build up over time, but it’s so disappointing to me to still struggle. I also didn’t want my trainer to feel bad, and I didn’t want to lose precious trainer time. The workout was still very thorough and I got a lot of good work in. I’m not sore right now, but I have a feeling that it will hit me later today, and even more tomorrow.

I see her again on Sunday, which means I get a few days to de-sore myself before working hard again. My arms and legs were jello after yesterday’s hard-working. I have a feeling I’m going to be building strength I never knew I had before while working with her.

In other news, my husband and I are in the middle of a big move out to the country. Moving and painting have been some good physical activity, too. I wish the scale would show that my hard work is paying off, but unfortunately I seem to have hit a minor stall. Maybe my Sunday weigh-in will show a break in the stall. I hope so, otherwise I might just smash my scale to bits!

I successfully ate a microwave dinner (one of those “café steamers” from Healthy Choice) yesterday. It was super filling, but really good. I got the kind without any rice/pasta and it just had meat, veggies and sauce without much sugar. I really enjoyed it. I like “real” (aka: made from scratch) food quite a bit, but there’s something to be said for convenience. Plus, the meat in microwave meals tends to be more tender and therefore easier for me to eat. I’ve found meat that I cook myself just doesn’t get as tender or go as well.

And the VERDICT on the sausage pancake bites? Abso-freaking-lutely delicious. Make some.

One response to “Personal Trainer Strikes Again

  1. your work ethic is inspiring.

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